Tuesday 1 October 2013

Steampunk Mood Boards and Pictures


Below is a collection of mood boards and images that I think will help me in designing steam engines and steam assets for my environment as the environment will be an industrial area of this fictional world.

 The first mood board above is looking at the architecture and the setting which will be dark polluted and muggy.
 above is the La Revolution a project done by the student. This is a fictional Paris, where everything is very steam punk summoning environments and concepts are along the same lines of what I want to do with my environment
 above is a mood board for engines looking at how they work and different ways of using steam engines to operate the assets around the environment and looking at different colours that we used to colour the engines
above is looking at the environment, warehouses, bridges, architecture streetlamps kind of cobblestones that we use during the era.

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