Saturday, 23 November 2013
Friday, 22 November 2013
Steampuck: Pub (Unity)
After making the pub i added it into the unity file as u can see below.
This is how it looks in the environment I believe it sits well in the environment and doesn't overpower itself and becomes too obvious
This is how it looks in the environment I believe it sits well in the environment and doesn't overpower itself and becomes too obvious
Here is a view of the interior of the pub that's the player
will be able to walk into
Steampuck Buildings: Pub
around the environment thanks to Joe Coggins who suggested that I should add a pub into the environment I looked at research from these old pubs from mainly the sort of Victorian era onwards I looked at the curving windows that you see in most old shops the kind of bottle headed panes of glass which I added in using a bump map which can be seen below in the images of the Windows
to make the pub I wanted to do what I done previously with the warehouses and make it modular being able to build the pub quickly and possibly use these sections again in later buildings all all the bits will fit together to make the pub
below as I'm thinking of adding an interior to this pub I built some simple tables which will be dotted with inside the pub
below is the combination of the modular sections that I built above you also used the same pillar from the previous warehouse that I'd built in order to make the pub as you can see using this modular technique is quick and easy and easy to change a section if I'll do wish so
below are some in screenshots of the interior design of the pub there will be more detail and re-texturing as I go to make this pub seem more realistic and more atmospheric of a small old Victorian pub which you may have entered in your lives.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Steampuck: Warehouse Three (Unity)
Steampuck Buildings: Warehouse Three
from the two previous warehouses that I made I decided to make a third this one was mainly based of sort of mediaeval towers that surround castles in mainly Germany and Austria by basic texture of these towers from looking at this warehouse that are designed I'm not too happy with it and to be fair I probably will not use this in my final and environment.
it is almost not fitting to the steam punk style that I envisioned I merely posting me is to show that I did work on other things but I did not use them in my environment I could possibly in the future re-purpose the towers and use them for something else but apart from that I don't think I will use this warehouse.
it is almost not fitting to the steam punk style that I envisioned I merely posting me is to show that I did work on other things but I did not use them in my environment I could possibly in the future re-purpose the towers and use them for something else but apart from that I don't think I will use this warehouse.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Steampuck Buildings: Warehouse Two
here I decided to make another warehouse after building the previous one here I did the same as I did with the previous warehouse by making multiple objects in order to combine them to make a building as you can see to the left I built this marble pillar and to the right to variations of the wall one with nothing on it and one with an indentation which will be able to have crates called from the ground up and stored on the next level.

above is the basic window frame I designed to fit on top of the building the image below that is the wall that will go around this window frame in order to cover up what it looks like.

the above is the final image of these multiple objects combined in order to make what you see before you the first image above is showing the amount of polygons in the model which is actually very low the one below that is to show what it looks like without the lines
The final image below is a render to show what hopefully the building will look like in the unity environment which I am creating.
above is the basic window frame I designed to fit on top of the building the image below that is the wall that will go around this window frame in order to cover up what it looks like.
the above is the final image of these multiple objects combined in order to make what you see before you the first image above is showing the amount of polygons in the model which is actually very low the one below that is to show what it looks like without the lines
The final image below is a render to show what hopefully the building will look like in the unity environment which I am creating.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Steampuck Buildings: Warehouse One
I decided to make a warehouse as my environment being a steampunk industrial area will have multiple warehouses below are three images of
after building what was billed above I may just make a simple chimney which will go on the roof of the warehouse to the left this is what the warehouse looks with the three objects combined above to make the warehouse to the right.

Below I decided to make some windows that would be added in to the warehouse the window I made was using a simple texture of stained-glass which I then added into the wall as you can see to the right
The final image at the bottom of this post is one half of the warehouse with Windows in this has made it look a lot better but I am thinking of re-making the Windows as it does not seem to work well with the environment after I put it into unity.

after building what was billed above I may just make a simple chimney which will go on the roof of the warehouse to the left this is what the warehouse looks with the three objects combined above to make the warehouse to the right.
Below I decided to make some windows that would be added in to the warehouse the window I made was using a simple texture of stained-glass which I then added into the wall as you can see to the right
The final image at the bottom of this post is one half of the warehouse with Windows in this has made it look a lot better but I am thinking of re-making the Windows as it does not seem to work well with the environment after I put it into unity.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Steampunk: Skyline 3 Unity
Steampunk: Skyline 2
The previous post I decided to choose one of the sky hooks pillars that I designed as you can see I built this in my showing the polygon count to the left-hand side and a textured one to the right this will be eventually re-textured as I'm using a texture that I will eventually use for the barrels that I will create.
above is a close-up of what this guy pillar looks like connected to the cylinder that is the skyline below you can see the design of the crate being moved along the line which was also in the previous post the image below is showing what it will look like in my environment having these crates move along the line being moved by the propellers
belowto the right is a close-up of the image above all so I looked up possibly making a different variation to the left I will possibly use this one as well but I'm more inclined to use the one to the right due to it not looking as bulky as the one to the left.
Note: I am currently moving on to another thing to make I have not fully textured this skyline yet but I will do in the future as the basic model is complete and I'm happy with its design and texturing it can be done at a later date the reason for this is so that I can concentrate on other models that have like to make within my time period
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