Thursday 5 December 2013

Steampunk Assets: Barrel 2

In this post I will be talking about one of my new asset is that I'm planning to make

After making the first Barrel and than playing Assassin Creed 3 (above) I desided to make some verarations of the first Barrel The reason for this is my environment is very large and needs filling with unique asset of an having won the barrel throughout the entire environment would look very obvious so by making say five variations of the barrel and the duplicating that around the environment should help immerse the player and make the environment more interesting

Below is a step-by-step of me making the barrel in Maya

Below is the texture that I found off Google I added this texture to my model

As you can see above I added the texture to the model and then rendered it out showing off the specular map I added to the texture to show the shining of the metal and the non-shiny surface of the wood

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