Sunday 1 December 2013

Steampunk Assets: Crate

around the canal environment one of the main assets which I wanted to dot the environment was a crate below are the steps I took in order to get the finished product the first thing I did was start with a simple box which was equal on all sides 

after I made the box I then made an indentation as you can see below

in order to get the exact same width from the edge of the plane to the indentation and the depth I deleted the rest of the box which I will then copy and paste to reform the box and also to texture the plain ones and copy and paste it five times instead of doing the exact same thing on five separate planes.

here is the texture that I will use to decorate the box

here is the final textured  plain

here is me beginning to copy and paste it to re-form the box

here is the finished product in my using the lighting in order to show off what the box will look like in the environment I'm very pleased with this crate as I believe it looks very realistic and the texture helps this very well

in order to make some variations I added some cross beams to the box but to be to be critical I do prefer the first box above to this variation I made and I will probably stick with the box above.

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