Sunday 4 May 2014

Steampunk: to-do list

over the next couple of days coming up to the hand in on 8th May the list of things I have to do is not too much but still needs to be done in order to help my wold be that little bit better I still have to close off a few of the gaps dotted around my environment and sealing off gaps that the player would it not fall through  but can see throughand will help on immerse the play in the environment will so I will be finishing off the main menu by adding in the GUI text which will enable me to move from the environment to the main menu also a few textures still need to be changed and updated one of the main things that really does need to be done is detailed baiting of the scene in order to bring out the light mapping and the lighting in the environment that will really bring it to life so far I've only done these are a resolution of 3 but I'm hoping to eventually have a render of around 40 but this will take several hours and I aim to do this by about Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest over the next couple of days I will also be producing a lot of Builds as I go just in case somehow my environment completely goes downhill I will still have a backup of the build from before so to recap

  • Close off the gaps in the environment
  • Finish off the main menu
  • Finish off textures
  • Baking the environment
there are one or two other things that I'm currently finishing those as I write this down hopefully I will not find any other things or remember that I need to do with the next few days but hopefully with these little tweaks environment will become that little bit better until the hand in at 10 o'clock on 8th May.

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