Sunday 4 May 2014

Steampunk: Main Menu

for my game environment even though it isn't a proper game I thought it best have its own in the main menu or title screen, this will also help when it is on show at the exhibition by having a nice interesting main menu instead of just being the player camera has been left by the previous person facing up or down or something inconspicuous to whether players finished they would ex-it and return to the main menu which will help drawing in visitors to the computer below are some screenshots of my final main menu that I designed.

here is below the view of the scene in unity using an orthographic camera I added in the roughly written word play to show where I will have GUI text for the play button as I've not added this into the scene yet what I intend to do when I've finished with the layout of the scene is to bake it so that the title screen looks as real as the environment itself.

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