Wednesday 26 February 2014

Steampunk: Main Maya File

Above is the master file so far with some of my models I previously made now scaled down all to fit together and this is also helping you visualise my environment before I put together in unit

I decided and mentioned in a previous post about a master file in Maya as I discussed in my previous post by doing this I will make sure all the textures are the same name and will match which will save memory immunity or so this will help me with scale making sure that other files I have made separately and then import into unity to the same scale as the rest of the model and by doing this in the mire file I can design my layout make sure everything fits before I import it into unity

Above is a close-up of my steam bridge which will be one of the centrepieces of my environment

Below I added in my canal barges in order to make sure the canals were wide enough to fit two abreast as if it were a real canal being else have one barge going one way and vice versa

Here is a more recent update of the master file with a few more bits added

Below is a birds eye view of the master file so far

Below I added in the warehouse I'd previously made and scaled it to the right size so fit in the environment

Below is the master file updated and rendered with realistic lighting and as you can see this is really brought to life the environment

One of the main problems with my environment is that there is not enough Mark and grime and making the environment look rundown and used so below I started to play around with decals in order to make it look it was used and lived in and worked in

Below are gradual updates and new images I have added showing more of the models that I'd previously made gradually being added to the master file

Of the master file sharing my new edition of the castle and the Hill in order to make the environment look like it carries on further than the player will be able to move also adding in the water helps make you feel that this is truly a port

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