Sunday 30 March 2014

Steampunk: Main Maya File (Update 2)

Below are some of thescreenshots I have taken of my more updated main maya file as you can see I have been adding in older models and making sure the scale will fit with all the other models that I'm adding and so when I export to unity not much change will hopefully be needed

Below you can see one of my older models the canal gates where some of the texture has unfortunately been damaged somehow but I will repair this in due course

below is one of the Vistas I am planning on top of the hill at the far back there will be a fortification that I'm planning to build this will look like a simple castle protecting an old town on the coast this I want to be on the top of the hill which we encourage the player on the other side of the map to go towards this fortification as it will dominate the skyline and this I hope will navigate the player from one side and To the other as other games companies do in order to subliminally make a player move through the environment in the right direction this is simply little experiment I wish to see

below is the same view as above just from Birds Eye view this to show the scale of the environment I've still not added some of the dockland at the far bottom of the picture that this will be added soon

as I mentioned above about making a fortification here I have added in a simple grey box to show the scale and Vista I planned as you can see fortification dominates the skyline and I hope will intrigue players to move in that direction across the bridge up my ramp this is me looking at making unique and interesting parts of my environment in order to lead the player in the right direction

below is a close-upof the ramp which I hope players would be interested enough to run up and head in the general direction

below is all of these assets plus a few more added into unity and with some water added in to really make you feel that this is truly on the sea the water is not exactly an ocean colour but I will use another water texture which is much darker and sort of the dark blue green instead of completely clear from this I believe my environment is coming along a lot and is a lot better looking than my previous environment which was a very boxy and enclosed and did not feel organic

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