Friday 22 November 2013

Steampuck Buildings: Pub

around the environment thanks to Joe Coggins who suggested that I should add a pub into the environment I looked at research from these old pubs from mainly the sort of Victorian era onwards I looked at the curving windows that you see in most old shops the kind of bottle headed panes of glass which I added in using a bump map which can be seen below in the images of the Windows

to make the pub I wanted to do what I done previously with the warehouses and make it modular being able to build the pub quickly and possibly use these sections again in later buildings all all the bits will fit together to make the pub

below as I'm thinking of adding an interior to this pub I built some simple tables which will be dotted with inside the pub

below is the combination of the modular sections that I built above you also used the same pillar from the previous warehouse that I'd built in order to make the pub as you can see using this modular technique is quick and easy and easy to change a section if I'll do wish so

below are some in screenshots of the interior design of the pub there will be more detail and re-texturing as I go to make this pub seem more realistic and more atmospheric of a small old Victorian pub which you may have entered in your lives.

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