Monday 18 November 2013

Steampunk: Skyline 1

When I was playing Bioshock infinite one of the main mechanics of the game is the skyline to interact with this use something called a skyhook this enables you to move around the environment with speed and pounds on your enemies as my environment will be steampunk I thought adding in a similar system not to move around but to add it for for those aesthetically pleasing view.

Below are also images of the skyline which I would like to replicate into my environment.

I was also looking at real world monorails as the skyhook in my environment I would like to be carrying equipment around the industrial steam punk area the one below is from the town in Germany which has the look of something steam punk in the image below is of one propeller on front this looks very steam punk and I will possibly use propellers to move my objects along the skyline.

to support the skyline I needed to design some sort of support below are some concept ideas that I drew looking at different kinds of support from industrial to looking at simple lampposts in London I also looked at how the crates/barrels would be moving along the skyline with two little drawings at the bottom of the page showing propellers that will help move along the crates along the line.

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