Sunday 6 October 2013

Steampunk Chimney's

As the Steampunk enviroment will be in an industrel aera, I will look into making chimney's which will cover the skyline like in Birmingham & Manchester in the victorian era. Below are some resaruch images that i have collected. so a good chimey refrence i will be looking at the ikea chimney's in Croydon.

These are some images that i have posted before but this likens into this post .

From These Images I will start to make a basic model in maya.

From looking at the hampton water works near where I live, I made want you can see to left I whated to have an indent like in the image above.

I then moved onto add the indents I said above as you can see I have deleted the other three sides this is so I can make all the detail on one side and then copy and paste ( as you can see below to the right )

After i put on the detail i then went on to UV map and texture the side of the chimny, from this i then copied and pasted it around to make a box again as you can see below with the final chimny.

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