Wednesday 9 October 2013

Steampunk Scripting

Here I was looking for some simple code to run animations on mouse down I found it in the book that I had brught myself below.

But also i looked at the code from a guy called Edithson Abelard who dose tutorals for maya into unity. there is a link and video below.

Using this simple code as shown blow I will be able to run animations in unity from a click of a buttom.

#pragma strict
var doorObj:GameObject;
var isOpen = false;

var timeBeforeNextAnimation :float = 0;

function OnMouseDown(){
 Debug.Log("mouse is down");

 if( timeBeforeNextAnimation < Time.time )
   this.isOpen = true;
   this.isOpen = false;

  timeBeforeNextAnimation = Time.time + 3;


function Start () {
function Update () {

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