Monday 7 October 2013

Steampunk Engines

 As I have been making the chimnys it came to my mind that inorder for smoke and steam to come out it needed to have somthing powering it so I started to look at steam engines.

Below is a callection of images from google that I think show exacly what I want to do for my steam engines.

To start off i thought I would make a steam pump as there is alot of water in the map which the factreys will use. blow is a texture design for one of the steam arms that will pump the water.
Here I have made an arm in maya. I will use the same technique I uesd for the chimney by copying and pasteing and then fliping it over to make an Arm.

As I menchtioned above I fliped over the arm to make one single arm as you can see below I remade the texture which u can see below this texture is not optermized as it is wasteing memoy I will ither add another mobel to the texture or add in the arm saport


Below is the animation I made for the steam arm to show want it will be doing in the enviroment. Want I need to do next is to add in the pistons that will drive the arm up and down.

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