Tuesday 8 October 2013

Steampunk Engines 2

With me finishing the arm I want to start on the design on the wheels that will play and importernt roll in the steam engine.


Above are some of the small steam engines that I hope to have doted around the steampunk enviroment power bridges and other contraptions  


The picture above and the one to the right has some pattans on it, this nice and simple pattan around the sapports of the wheel, This I would like to duplucat the style and add this to the texture of the wheel and the arm.
Put from these simple designs i would like to take them and make them more exstravagent more like the image below.
Below are the suport arm from the inside of the wheel one textured and the other is not.

The image above is the frist wheel that I made in maya using the quickly made texture below which I will impove on.
I desided to make a wheel with more sapport arms inside as this will be the biggest one of the two wheels I have made ( as you can see below ) 
As I said above I would remake the textures ( as you can see below ) I then applied these to the wheels as u can see in the next pictures

 Here is an animation of the wheels spining as if they where working in a bigger machtion.

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