Wednesday 30 April 2014

Steampunk: Finishing (NOTE)

after having a think about the environment I will now focus my time on impoveing the models by added in bevels and updating the textures also to show that i can so something to a high standered i will take some of the assets and improve on them and update there textures as i now start to reflect on the environment i have done lots of models to low stranded and not doing enough high stranded models when i should have met in the middle with a smaller environment with more detailed assets, looking at what i have leaned from this experience i can improve and show i can make low-poly models with lots of detail over the summer iam going to remake this to a higher started as when i look at the environment i feel that i am not showing my paternal of being a good environment artiest and as the deadline comes closer i look at the scene with a ever decreasing standerd

So far with this project I have just been making as many assets and models as I can but when I was generating specular maps or normal maps I just used the default normal maps and specular that were generated by crazy bump or Ndo I do really take time and look at what this bump map or Spectrum was for was it for varnished wood was it further unvarnished wood was it for metal was for rusty metal and now looking back at the model this an attention to detail I believe has made the environment suffer.

Also with the amount of detail that I would have liked to have gone into by adding rubbish and dirt a lot more details into the environment to really add the sense that it's been lived in this is another thing I didn't really pay much attention to their are one or two decals here and there but in all fairness on my part I didn't spend much time on them one of the biggest flaws I think with this project was me over sizing the environment when I probably should have redesigned the layout as I did it kept it a similar size to my previous environment for steampunk this I think I could have then showed off my skills and my attention to detail instead of over reaching myself and causing my environments detail to suffer I have been trying to update some of the models and make them look better but unfortunately I think this is a little too late

I don't know if this is just me having stared at this project for every year now and slowly criticising it and becoming more and more critical of the environment this project has taught me a lot about how I should of spend my time concentrating little more on the smaller details instead of looking at the big picture as I have now added so much to this new environment that it is almost too crowded and some of the Vistas that I had planned and now blocked by smoke and big metal cranes and towers also probably choosing the time of day being midday but as it is so polluted its almost dark now looking at this I believe I should have just made a nice sunny day on the seaside as this would have been able to event shown off perspective maps in great detail instead of only occasionally seeing specular from an object near a light.

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