Monday 28 April 2014

Steampunk: Ship

As so far I had only the canal barge in my environment I thought it would be best to add some more verity to the scene using one of the drawings i did some time ago in the old post I used this as a platform to design this ship

Below I started to look at the hull of the ship starting of with a cylinder and started to curves to make the hull as you can see below

Below I started to look at the cover that will go over the paddle and the small parts that will make up the paddle.

Below I have made the paddle and added it to both sides

Below is the first finished ship with the basic layout and design of what i will like the ship to look like

after I finished the first ship I started to add more detail and adding the two funnels like the Mississippi paddle steamer and pointed the bow of the ship and as you can see I think this make the ship look a lot more steampunk than the other version I did.

Below i added some basic texturing to see what it would look like i will work out the colours and style later.

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