Friday 2 May 2014

Steampunk: Skills

as I've talked in my previous posts about how I feel I am not truly showing my skill so I decided to use what I've learnt over the past year to accumulate this knowledge to show my true potential of modelling. below is a modular did warehouse that I've constructed  using a few modular parts combining them in order to make a large structure that is only using instances to save memory and also using my new and improved texturing skills and also using Ndo and Ddo to its full potential as I have not added  much detail in my buildings in my steam punk environment I'm hoping showing my skill I have now this is what I could have done to the entire environments if I knew what I know now at the beginning of the year.

above and below are the modular parts of the building I was talking about  at the top of the post here are some of the modules constructed in maya below are some of these modules gradually being textured.

below is the full range apart from one or two that I've not constructed yet that will make up this new warehouse my inspiration for this building came mainly from the Victorian inspired architecture of big public buildings hotels and stations by using these modular sections I will be able to build a detailed building but only using a few hundred policies as these modular sections will be instanced saving huge amounts of memory this is one of the other things I have learnt this year is the best thing to do to give great detail to the environment but also save memory so that the frame rate runs above 30 frames a second.

below are two images of the finished product of fees modular departs from the picture above combined to make a new building on what I'm very proud of this building is each module is interchangeable meaning I can add more corner turrets to the side of the building if I so wished or increase the width of the building on the right-hand side or adding more vertical pillars that is a separate object in order to add more detail.

Below is a close-up of the modular sections of the building as you can see I have used softon edge tool and Beverley in order to give the building in real organic flow of light around the edges and this time really looking into the normal map and spectator map to really give the detailed building deserves the normal maps on the building are a bit over exaggerated as Maya tends to do this.

Criticism: the problems so far with this model is that it is to clean in order to sort this out I am going to start using some of the textures in Ddo by using its tools I will make the marble look more like marble and the brick  more like brick as these tools can really bring out detail and make the text extremely real are using this software I believe this model will be one of the best  buildings I've constructed for my steam punk environment.

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