Saturday, 28 December 2013

Steampunk Assets: Zeppelin

As my environment will be steamed and I thought it best to add some zeppelins into the environment as you can see below his step-by-step of the basic Zeppelin I made in the first two images below

After making the basic Zeppelin above I decided to make a more detailed Zeppelin as you can see below is a step-by-step of this Zeppelin I designed and made here I looked at some inspiration of steam power zeppelins on Google and also looked at the zeppelins of World War I and looked at how a possible steampower and Zeppelin would work I'm very happy with the way this turned out and texturing it will help improve that as of now I have not textured it but I will be coming back to it in order to finish it at a later date 

Entrance: Warehouse Unity

from the previous posts whilst discussing sunshine through the windows I used an image effect on the first person controller in order to get the effect I want as you can see in the picture below using the previous two posts you can see the combination of the telephone box and the walls of the warehouse which I built showing how the light worked with the environment and has got the effect that I wanted.

the warehouse is not finished and will need a little more work on it before it is completely done but the main effect I was after I believe has been achieved.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Steampuck Assets: Steam Thing

This was going to be a steam train but in the end it become a stationary steam engine that will be powering a wheel in the environment

Steam engine will require some more detail and playing around with as at the moment it looks very odd and am not sure anyone would know what it is unless I told them to now this will be put aside why concentrate on other things and I will possibly come back to this or maybe remove it from the environment

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Steampuck Assets: Clock Tower

I decided to add a small clock tower to the environment this would be so the workers would know the time and I thought would be a nice asset to add to the environment and have something for the player to look at and help break up the environment and adding some immersion

As you can see here is a step-by-step of the clock being made and the eventual texturing and the finishing of it

Steampunk Assets: Gas Lights

In order to light up the environment I decided to make gas lights there will be two variations of these lights one will be a self-supporting light which will have flags hanging from the sides the other one will be mounted on the side of a wall

As you can see these other basic gaslight I made this is a self-supporting one which around the environment
Other as gas lights which will be mounted on the side of walls and other objects

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Steampunk: Flying Conveyor Belt

Below I started to make the conveyor belts this conveyor belt will be flying using propeller engines to keep it in the air this will be moving coal from one side of the environment to the other I thought I would do this to really enforce the steampunk style that I'm going for in the environment for this version I added in simple boxes which are the steam propeller engines with the propellers on the bottom keeping the conveyor belt in the air

Once the basic conveyor belt was made I decided to add more detail into the engines as you can see below this is the idea I came up with as you can see these will be added onto the side of conveyor belt and I believe make the conveyor belt look much more steam punk and realistic I hope to cover these engines with wood and brass

Criticism: again about the dirt and grime being added to this model but apart from that the model has turned out very well I will be adding texture on the top which will contain a moving texture of coal in order to make it look like a conveyor belt is gradually moving coal to the fire on the other side of the canal

Steampunk: Steam Truck

A couple of posts ago I made a mood board of various steam trucks and engines and I designed my own steam truck and drew a picture of it I decided to make this into a 3-D model

From this I decided to make the gas lights that will be on the side of the truck I will also be making the final as well

I decided to make the back of the truck which will hold the goods as well as the support which will keep the goods inside the back of the truck

I made the cabin where the driver would sit and the wheels and using the assets I created above I combined to make the steam truck you see below

Steam punky enough so using some previous models I had made I added them onto the truck to see if this made it look more steampunk

I decided to start texturing the truck in a red style this is as far as I got so far as you can see below adding in the style of the yellow lines which I got inspiration from the mood board I'd made in previous posts

Criticism: I am happy with the way the truck is going the only thing I really need to do is add more detail and dirt to the model in order to give a real realistic feel and also possibly dying down the red as it is almost to red to be realistic.

Steampunk: Stone Wharf

From my knowledge of doc lands and the side's other docks there is always a protruding stone or iron stake in order for the ship or barge to be to tie itself down on the side of the wharf I will have 2 protruding out at the top of the wharf and another ring hanging on the side as you can see below I have made these in Maya

I added these to a simple shape as you can see below and handed except pipe which will spew out sewage into that now from the surrounding industrial area

After adding a simple cobble texture to the shape you can see the basic idea and look of the Waterside I am going for

After looking at the model I had made above the came to the conclusion it did not look or feel right I decided to make it simpler as you can see below I made two other variations of this new straight symbolised version 1 for corner going out and one for going in so this could wrap around all the canal edges in my environment

From what I was saying above about wrapping these variations around the canal as you can see below this works fine and it is actually look I was going for

Criticism: I am quite happy with the of the waterside I would still like to add some more detail perhaps I will look at making a new version of the wharf but from now this meets my demands for the environment and now

Steampunk: Canal Barge

Below are some research images into canal barges which I will use in order to gain inspiration and an idea of what a canal barge should look like and then use these images in order to make my own canal barge which will have a unique steampunk feel to it

After looking at the canal barge pictures above and I started to make the hull of the barge as you can see below 

Below I started to make the chimney and the off the barge there will be two of them I decided to make this barge unique by giving it a paddles instead of screw propeller

Below are two images of the finished barge there is still texturing needed but here is a three-pointer you and the front on view

Criticism:  The texture does not match up at the front of the barge and I have not finished a texturing of the paddles also need to add more detail in the storage area instead of just lines.